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Prosilas & Lube Volleyball

Prosilas is proud to support for the 2022/23 season the volleyball team A.S. Volley Lube, flagship of our city, Civitanova Marche: a commitment that enhances even more the link of the company with the territory and its precious resources!

“Teamwork, respect and collaboration are the great values of sport, which we share as people and which move our company every day, we are really happy to be able to share this kind of sensitivity and goals “- Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas.

Here is the press release of Lube Volley and the words of Vice President Massaccesi:

“New partnership for Italian champions. Starting from the 2022/23 racing season, the Cucine Lube Civitanova shorts will also feature the brand of the Marche company Prosilas.

It is one of the largest services in Europe, a member of the Prototal Industries group, dedicated to supporting industrial production through the use of 3D printing, additive design technologies and services.

A company made in Marche, led by the experience of Vanna Menco, who for over 20 years has accompanied the large national and international manufacturing companies by supporting the entire production cycle in a smart way: rapid prototyping, design and co-design, 3D scanning, reverse engineering, rapid production and finishing; all within a single technological pole at the forefront, a real ally of production for the growing industry.

Thanks to this orientation towards growth and evolution, as well as to the love for our region, which Prosilas has chosen to accompany our team, supporting and sharing the sporting values of collaboration and commitment that make a great team, in the field, in professional activity and in life.

Albino Massaccesi, Vice President of Lube Volley: “Welcoming solid companies such as Prosilas and sharing their values is a source of pride. The pleasure is double because to support us is an enterprise of our region that, just like us, has distinguished itself over the years on the international scene!”.

Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas: “Teamwork, respect, collaboration and commitment are the great values of sport and also the values that move our company every day; we are so happy to share this kind of sensitivity and goals”.